Pry‘ce Events & More is a platform looking to change the way people connect.
Here you’ll find meaningful events, social gatherings, networking opportunities & more! Allow us to help connect you.
Together We Can!
Connect with like minded people
Who would you rather talk to: the person standing in the corner of the room looking upset or the person with a warm smile talking animatedly with people?
Obviously, you’d want talk to the second person! The key to building new relationships is being the type of person that others want to connect with. To do that, you need to project positivity and have engaging conversations.
Lets Network!
Developing close relationships is essential for happiness. However, some research shows you get more career-related value from acquaintances you see only occasionally.
Unlike your close friends and colleagues, your acquaintances interact with people you’ve never met which means they hear about opportunities no one else in your circle does. In fact, 83% of people who find their jobs through a current contact do so through people they see only occasionally, if at all.
So, those Facebook friends you haven’t spoken to in a while… it might be time to check in again. Who knows what valuable information they may have to offer?
30 Day Challenge!
Standing On Business
You can add value to your network by connecting people who should know each other in two easy steps:
This is a winning strategy for everyone involved because the people you connect benefit from knowing each other. Collectivly lets stand on business.